Huwebes, Setyembre 1, 2011

All about Benign Vaginal Parasitic Worn Infection

Benign Vaginal Parasitic Worm - ( BVPW ) Is a very dangerous yet treatable Kind of Parasitic infection found in Female Genital/reproductive organ, This condition had been cathegorized as Cancer for the past years until 2010 when Dr. Enrico Zylacsziaky had Liberate BVPW from Cancer Cathegory and classified it as Benign Parasitic Infection in Human Genital Area.

Humans can get this infection by wandering at bushy and or wet environment where plankton and large numbers of parasitic organisms live like swamps, bushes and rainforest.
these parasites be past by unclean hands that touched the Infected plants and passed it on directly to the genetal areas.

Take it for example: you had your intimate moment with your partner in swamps or rainforest area, and it happend that your partner had previously touched the infected plants, rocks or soil and pased it on directly to your genital area trough fingering your vigina and or repeatedly touching your genetal area with hes uncleaned or infected hands.
But the most effective method in passing these parasitic organisms to the female Reproductive system at "Initial stage" is when the male had touch hes penis with hes infected hand and insert it deeply to the vigina.

The larvae of this worm will borrow deeply to your anus and viginal wall and eventually climb to your cervix and finally settle down in your Uterus and they will colonize them for a very long time without showing any symptoms at all.

The symptoms in BVPW infection will just appear after a year or two and commonly at peak or terminal condition already.

BVPW infection is very dangerous if left untreated as these parasites can travel to the other organs of the body and start to colonize there, they can travel trough perforated blood vessels down to your blood streams and if they lodge to the small blood vessels in liver, pancreas, kidney, lungs and brain they will colonize there and can cause severe damage to these organs.

BVPW symptoms usually takes long time to appear in  Female than in male as Male Reproductive organs as female reproductive organs got more room to accomodate these parasites giving it more time to to colonize before finding its way to spread to the different area of the body. Male however can get this infection trough sexual contact with infected female and it has faster infection rate than female, usually symptoms will occur within 5 to 8 months and already in its terminal or worst stage of infection.


Female: ( ussually start to show within 18 months from initial infection )

Early stage - shows approximately 1 1/2 year from infection:
1. Irritability   2. Dizzynes 3. Lack Of Emotional Response 4. Lack of Personal Perspective 5. Slow Motor or Cognitive Response 6. Unsual Cravings for Sweets. 7. Stomach or Pelvic area particularly in Uteral area will become unusually big. 8. Inability to handle emotional Stress. 9. Feeling of superiority towards others.

Later or Terminal Stage - Will appear Approximately 1 year and 8 months onward From "initial Onset of infection":
1. Itchy Vigina or external Viginal opening 2. Appearance of Fully developed Parasitic Worms in either vigina or Anal Opening. 3. Forgetfullnes 4. Unusual Weakness. 5. Prone to Urinary Tract Infection 6. Painful Urination 7. Recurent of lower back pain.
8. Occurence of Red Petechiae ( small dotsize spots ) in lower limbs and feet.


-  BVPW infection is known to caused failed pregnancy and Failed Embryo Implantation amongst infected Females.
 BVPW infection During Pregnancy is more lethal than female who is not pregnant and got BVPW infection.

BVPW will eventually eat the living featus and the fetus will die eventually before 3 months time.
Treatment must be carried on immediately before 3 months or 1st trimester of Pregnancy to either remove the Fetus and infected Uterus wall trough either Surgery or Prophylactic Treatments specially developed for BVPW infections.

However if the symptoms occur after 3 months of pregnancy the fetus must still be removed trough surgery this time as prophylactic treatment is not effective by its own anymore. however prophylactic treatment will usually follow if the BVPW parasites had metastasized to the defferent organ of the body.


NON - Invasive: -
Oral Application of Prophylactic Anti-parasitic Xynolaquilazole and Clanxaxtine Medication plus Palliative (supportive) Treatment of IV Dextrose or orally taken Dextrose plus  special type of Liver Syntisized treatment.
This option is strictly banned from all Christian Countries and American countries as it was proven to be 99 percent Abortifacient and against the international "Anti-Abortion" Law and It has been removed from drug stores and drug handbook and other references since the later part of year 2008.

But like other banned drugs this drug can be found in some black market medicine stores are a very costly price.
This option is commonly prefered by females with no children or ladies who still want to bare children in the future, and is consider to be the only non invasive medication for BVPW infection.

 Removal Of Female Uterus and other infected viginal wall trough surgery and cauterization or redirecting your ovarian menstrual flow to new canal to reunite with your eternal Urinary track canal followed by total closure of your viginal canal. This procedure will leave the female sexually and reproductively impotent and will be unable to bare a child nor do any sexual acts with any opposite sex partner. the procedure will take about 2 hours of operation followed by 2 to 3 weeks recovery period and must done only with specialized hospital facility.

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